Friday, July 07, 2006

New Scientist Tech - Breaking News - Flat 'ion trap' holds quantum computing promise

New Scientist Tech - Breaking News - Flat 'ion trap' holds quantum computing promise: Tom Simonite

"Quantum computers could be more easily mass produced thanks to the development of a two-dimensional ion trap - one of their key components.

A quantum computer could be much faster than a conventional computer. While electronic bits can exist in one of two states – '0' or '1' – a quantum bit, or qubit, can be in both states simultaneously. Connecting lots of qubits together would allow many more calculations to be carried out simultaneously.

Ion traps have so far proved the best way to make qubits, allowing up to eight to be connected together. They work by trapping super-cooled ions in an electric field. Lasers can then be used to manipulate the ions to alter their quantum states."

Ah ha! Another piece in the quantum computing puzzle. All signs point to me writing that next science thriller...

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