Friday, July 07, 2006

BIOTERRORISM: BioShield Is Slow to Build U.S. Defenses Against Bioweapons -- Kaiser 313 (5783): 28 -- Science

BIOTERRORISM: BioShield Is Slow to Build U.S. Defenses Against Bioweapons -- Kaiser 313 (5783): 28 -- Science: "BioShield Is Slow to Build U.S. Defenses Against Bioweapons
Jocelyn Kaiser

Developing vaccines against potential bioweapons such as smallpox and Marburg virus is tough going for small companies. But it's even harder when their comrade-in-arms on the front lines, a $5.6 billion federal program called BioShield, is AWOL."

Maybe I should be editing Viral Coat and sending it out. Hmmm, two novels to edit. Which to choose?

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