Monday, February 28, 2005

Yahoo! News - China Seen Opening Door Soon to Biotech Rice

Yahoo! News - China Seen Opening Door Soon to Biotech Rice: "By Jeremy Smith

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - China could open the door to biotech rice within two years, paving the way for the GMO crop to enter the food stream across Asia, the head of a trade group said Monday.

'Rice is likely to be approved in China in the near term, maybe in two years,' said Clive James, chairman and founder of ISAAA, a group with industry and public foundation support that promotes biotech as a way to halt global hunger."

There was an article a few years back where the FBI was investigating biotech industrial espionage down in San Diego. I seem to recall that a SE Asian country had set up an institute to study biotech, but it was really a front for industrial espionage.

Hmmm, I smell a plot...

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